Complete Protein Combinations Chart

Proteins are made up of proteins, and 20 types of amino acids form a protein, 9 of which cannot be produced by our body. We are required to source the essential nine amino acids from food. 

You might be wondering what incomplete protein sources are. The foods that do not contain the essential amino acids our body needs are considered incomplete proteins.

It brings us to the next question: why are complete proteins important? The answer is simple; our body needs it for muscle growth, creating antibodies, and storing nutrients.

Looking for and Planning meals using complete protein sources can be a hassle. Hence, we have used the article to showcase a complete protein combination chart, examples of complete protein, and much more.

complete protein combinations chart

Complete Protein Combinations Chart

Here’s a printable complete protein combinations chart to guide you:

Protein Source 1Protein Source 2Complete Protein Combination
ChickenQuinoaGrilled chicken with quinoa
TofuBrown riceTofu stir-fry with brown rice
LentilsBarleyLentil and barley soup
BeansCornBlack bean and corn salad
EggsWhole wheat breadScrambled eggs on whole wheat toast
Greek yogurtAlmondsGreek yogurt with crushed almonds
Chia seedsHemp seedsChia seed and hemp seed pudding
FishCouscousBaked fish with couscous
EdamameBuckwheatEdamame and buckwheat salad
QuornMilletQuorn and millet stir-fry

Complete Protein Combinations for Vegan

Vegan complete protein combinations involve pairing different plant-based foods to ensure a balanced intake of all essential amino acids. Since some plant foods lack certain amino acids, this strategic pairing enhances the overall protein quality of a vegan diet.

You can combine legumes like beans, lentils(dal protein), and peas with grains such as rice, quinoa, or whole wheat bread to create a complete vegan protein source. Additionally, you can incorporate nuts, seeds, and tofu to enhance protein intake further. 

These thoughtful complete protein pairings support muscle health and body functions and cater to the nutritional needs of those who choose a vegan lifestyle.

Protein Source 1Protein Source 2Complete Protein Combination
QuinoaBlack beansQuinoa and black bean salad
ChickpeasBrown riceChickpea curry with brown rice
TofuBuckwheatTofu stir-fry with buckwheat noodles
LentilsAmaranthLentil and amaranth stew
PeanutsWhole wheat breadPeanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread
Chia seedsSoy milkChia seed pudding made with soy milk
Hemp seedsOatsHemp seed and oat protein smoothie
SpinachQuinoaSpinach and quinoa salad
AlmondsBarleyAlmond and barley pilaf
Pumpkin seedsWild riceRoasted pumpkin seeds with wild rice

Vegetable Combinations For Complete Protein

While vegetables are not complete proteins, their amino acid profiles can complement each other when combined strategically. Here is a vegetable complete protein combinations list:

Protein Source 1Protein Source 2Complete Protein Combination
RiceBeansRice and beans (e.g., black beans and brown rice)
LentilsQuinoaLentil and quinoa salad
ChickpeasTahini (sesame paste)Hummus made with chickpeas and tahini
CornPeasCorn and pea soup
SpinachAlmondsSpinach salad with sliced almonds
BroccoliCashewsStir-fried broccoli and cashews
Brussels sproutsWalnutsRoasted Brussels sprouts with crushed walnuts
KalePumpkin seedsKale and pumpkin seed salad
CauliflowerPistachiosCauliflower and pistachio curry
AsparagusSunflower seedsGrilled asparagus with sunflower seed topping

Chickpeas Complete Protein Combinations

Chickpeas are versatile and packed with nutrients. They can be the base for complete proteins when combined with other foods. While chickpeas alone aren’t complete proteins, teaming them up with foods that complement them gives you all the amino acids you need. 

Pairing chickpeas with whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat bread creates complete protein pairs. Adding veggies like spinach, tomatoes, and cucumbers boosts both taste and nutrients. So, remember to mix and match for a balanced and tasty meal!

Here is a table with chickpeas’ complete protein combinations:

Protein Source 1Protein Source 2Complete Protein Combination
ChickpeasWhole Wheat PitaChickpea wrap with whole wheat pita bread
ChickpeasQuinoaChickpea and quinoa salad
ChickpeasBrown RiceChickpea and brown rice stir-fry
ChickpeasSpinachChickpea and spinach curry
ChickpeasTahini (sesame paste)Chickpea hummus with tahini dip
ChickpeasRoasted VegetablesChickpea and roasted vegetable medley
ChickpeasCouscousChickpea and couscous pilaf
ChickpeasKaleChickpea and kale salad
ChickpeasBarleyChickpea and barley stew
ChickpeasLentilsChickpea and lentil soup

Complementary Proteins

You can combine foods with different amino acid profiles to create a complete protein meal from plant-based sources. It is called complementary protein pairing. For example, beans🫘 and rice 🍚together provide all the essential amino acids that each food lacks on its own.

This article contains different complete protein combinations chart pdf. It will help craft satisfying and nutritionally balanced meals supporting muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall bodily functions.

Benefits of Using the Complete Protein Combinations Chart:

Utilizing complete protein combinations offers various benefits for overall health and well-being. The major benefits are:

  • Mixing certain foods makes protein even better for your body.
  • You feel full and manage your weight easier.
  • Good for different diets, keeps your heart and body strong.💪
  • It helps your tummy work better and gives you all the important stuff.
  • It also enhances the protein absorption rate.
  • Making meals with these proteins keeps you healthy for a long time.

Sources of Complete vs Incomplete Proteins

The first thing to know here is what foods contain complete proteins and which lack some essential amino acids. 

  • Animal-based foods 🥩are a source of complete proteins as they have all the essential amino acids. Examples are fish, eggs, dairy, and meat protein.
  • Plant-based foods 🍅sometimes lack one or more essential amino acids; hence they are a source of incomplete proteins. Examples are legumes, grains, and nuts.


To wrap it up, the complete protein combinations chart is a useful guide for creating meals that support your strength and health. Blending different foods ensures you get all the essential things your body requires, such as energy and muscles. It benefits your heart and digestion, ensuring you don’t overlook anything crucial. So, the next time you eat, remember this chart to make meals that leave you feeling fantastic and healthy.