Fruit Fiber Chart

You’ve probably heard that a healthy diet should include enough fiber at some point. But are you aware of its health benefits?

Fiber, a carbohydrate’s indigestible portion, supports blood sugar levels, encourages healthy bowel movements, slows down digestion, and helps remove toxins and cholesterol from our bodies.

It’s crucial to consume fiber. It exits your stomach undigested and travels to your colon. In the colon, it feeds good bacteria in your digestive system, providing many health advantages.

Fruit is nature’s pre-packaged snack full of vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients that support a balanced diet. Because they are so high in fiber, whole, fresh fruits are very nutrient-dense and beneficial.

Eating fruits high in fiber is a delightful, nutrient-rich strategy to help you fulfill your daily fiber requirements. Fiber, more precisely dietary fiber, is a complex carbohydrate in diets made from plants.

Not to mention, adding the following fiber containing fruits mentioned in the fruit fiber chart will leave a good impact on your health.

fruits fiber chart

Fruits that Are a Good Source of Fiber

Not only do vegetables have high fiber content but fruits are also best known for their rich fiber content.

Fruit is nature’s candy because it contains disease-preventing antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients. It is also a fantastic, all-natural source of dietary fiber.  

Fruit is a simple and delicious method to add fiber to one’s diet. Fruits’ fiber content varies depending on the water content and how much of the fruit is genuinely indigestible by our bodies. High fiber in Fruits encourages regular bowel motions and may lower heart disease risk.

 This fruit fiber table can assist you in achieving a high-fiber diet. 

Dates, medjool7 g100 gram
Banana2.6 g100 gram
Apple2.4 g100 gram
Orange2.4 g100 gram
Strawberry2 g100 gram
Peach2 g1 raw medium
Grapes0.9 g100 gram
Lychee1.3 g100 gram
Watermelon0.4 g100 gram

Fiber in Dates

Medjool dates are an excellent way to sweeten your food while incorporating vitamins and minerals. Medjool dates are a good source of fiber, natural sugars, vitamins, and minerals.

Like other dried fruits, they have many calories in a little serving. But the high fiber content of Medjool dates makes you feel fuller for longer. It can help you achieve your weight loss objectives. Each 100-gram serving contains 7 grams of fiber.

Fiber in Banana

According to the fruit fiber chart, bananas are high in fiber, although their potassium level may be their most well-known attribute. Three grams of total fiber and 0.6 grams of soluble fiber are present in one medium banana. 

One banana provides roughly 10% of your daily soluble and insoluble fiber needs. They are the ideal snack for active people. 

They are an excellent supply of carbs, usually easy on the stomach, and the potassium may help prevent cramping.

Fiber in Apple

Apples are one of the most consumed high fiber fruits in the world and are also healthful and delicious.

They are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants, even though they don’t contain many vitamins and minerals. Apples may help with heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, and enhance overall health.

They might help people lose weight. Eating apple skin is the key to optimizing the amount of fiber they contain. With the skin on, a medium apple contains roughly 4.8 grams of fiber, but if you peel it, only 2 grams remain.

Fiber in Orange

Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content, which strengthens immunity, but they are also an excellent source of fiber. Oranges include a high amount of soluble fiber, but they also contain some insoluble fiber, which is equally beneficial to your health.

A typical 3.5-ounce orange has roughly 2.3 grams of total fiber or more than 8% of your daily needs. One gram is insoluble fiber, and the other 1.3 grams is soluble fiber.

Fiber in Strawberry

Among the minerals, most of us don’t get enough of daily are fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. All are present in strawberries.

Eight medium-sized strawberries contain 2 grams of dietary fiber. It accounts for 5% of men’s and 8% of women’s necessary daily requirements. Strawberries have both kinds of dietary fiber. 

Also read: Fruit Acidity Chart

Fiber in Peach

Peaches are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The peach has a lot of good nutritional fiber hidden in its delicate flesh. 

Fiber, both soluble and insoluble, is present in peaches. Insoluble fiber facilitates digestion and lessens the risk of constipation. 

Besides lowering cholesterol levels, soluble fiber helps to balance blood sugar. One medium peach contains about two grams of fiber. It provides between 6% and 9% of the daily fiber requirements for your body.

Fiber in Grapes

Fiber, potassium, various vitamins, and other nutrients are all present in grapes. Grapes contain less fiber than the majority of different fruits. 

So when taken in an identical proportion, one apple offers 3.6 grams of fiber, compared to only 1.3 grams in 30 red grapes. 

These estimates state that 30 red grapes provide 3% of the recommended daily intake for men and 5% for women.

Fiber in Lychee

Lychee is a tropical fruit that may be beneficial to one’s health. Antioxidants and vitamin C are both abundant in them.

Lychees mostly contain water and carbohydrates, most of which are sugars. They don’t have as much fiber as many other fruits.

Fresh lychees have a fiber content of 1.3 grams per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving. Additionally, they contain a lot of vitamin C and supply significant levels of copper and potassium. 

Fiber in Watermelon

Watermelon contains a meager amount of fiber. A 100-gram serving contains 0.4 g of fiber which is enough for a day. Despite being very little, the amount is substantial due to the high fructose level. 

The fiber found in watermelons is soluble fiber. This fiber helps in preserving and enhancing normal cholesterol levels. This fiber accounts for around 67% of watermelon. This fiber helps to stabilize the quantity of blood glucose in our bodies by delaying the absorption of sugar.

The Bottom Line

Fruit is a crucial component of a balanced diet and may help with digestion, weight loss, and blood sugar levels. Most fruits are high in nutrients and fiber but low in calories, which might increase your feeling of fullness.

Remember that it’s preferable to consume fruits whole rather than juices. Last but certainly not the least, following the fruit fiber chart in this article will help you maintain a balanced diet.