Sodium Food Chart

Sodium chloride, also known as salt, is about 40% sodium and 60% chloride. It’s widely used as a food enhancer and stabilizer, and binder.

Our body needs sodium to carry out nerve impulses function of the muscles and for the balance of minerals and water.

There are so many foods, fruits, and vegetables rich in sodium. With proper knowledge, we can decide what and how to incorporate these into our diet. Read on to find out sodium food charts and foods with high and low sodium content.

sodium food chart

Sodium Food Chart

Like other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, sodium is essential for various bodily functions. Here is a recommended daily sodium intake according to the age group.

AgeSodium intake per day
1 – 3 years200 to 400 mg
4 – 8 years300 to 600 mg
9 – 13 years400 to 800 mg
14 – 18 years460 to 920 mg
15 and above920 to 1500 mg

We have carefully picked the sodium-rich foods in the table below to help you analyze your diet and make changes toward a healthier diet.

Sodium rich foods list

FoodsSodium contentAmount
Table salt38758 mg100g
Dry roasted sunflower seeds6008 mg100g
Cured ham1500 mg100g
Pickled cucumber1208 mg100g
Clams1202 mg100g
Cheddar cheese625 mg25g
oysters510 mg120g
Fried chicken liver240 mg240g
Boiled eggs124 mg100g
Cows milk44 mg100g
Peanuts18 mg100g
Chestnuts10 mg20g

Also read: Iron Foods list

Sodium In Fruits & Vegetables

Sodium is present in almost everything we consume in some foods; it is naturally present, while in others, we add sodium to enhance our food. Fruits and vegetables naturally have sodium but in low quantities. This is why you may have never heard of sodium-rich fruits and vegetables. 

On the contrary, processed vegetables and fruits have high sodium content. 

Canned soups and vegetables are among the sodium-rich foods most Americans have in their diet. Most fruits and vegetables are even considered sodium free as they naturally have little or no salt

Vegetables considered sodium free include:

  •  Eggplant
  •  green beans
  •  cucumber 
  • Asparagus and more. 

Some vegetables have high sodium content compared to other vegetables like.

  •  Beets
  • celery 
  • spinach 
  • Carrots

Fruits are considered the lowest in sodium and some sodium-free include

  • Bananas
  • Apples 
  • Blueberries

 Apples, guava, mango, and avocados have a higher sodium content ranging between 1 to 10 mg per 100 gm. Check out the table below for sodium in vegetables and fruits.

FoodSodium contentAmount
Celery140 mg50g
Passionfruit10 mg30g
Cabbage20 mg50g
Cauliflower8 mg50g
Mango7 mg100g
Blackberries4 mg100g
Green peppers 2 mg15g
Pineapple2 mg80g
Pumpkin1 mg100g
Grapefruit1 mg200g

Also read: Omega 3 foods list

Foods Naturally High In Sodium

The food items that are generally high in sodium are not necessarily the ones that taste salty. You will be surprised to know how bread, rolls, and sandwiches are counted as one of the top sources of sodium; however, they do not taste that salty.

According to the Dietary Guidelines, Americans can safely consume 2300 mg of sodium daily as a healthy diet. Knowing which foods.

Consult the chart below to find out the sodium in different foods to allow you to plan your diet accordingly. Always check the Nutrition Facts label of the packaged and processed items you buy to avoid high-sodium foods if you have a medical condition. 

FoodsAmountSodium content
Soup245 gm700 mg
Packaged juices240 ml405 mg
Processed vegetables124 gm310 mg
Shrimp85 gm800 mg
Ham85 gm1117 mg

Sodium in Dry Fruits & Nuts

Nuts are packed with nutrients and are great to munch on when hunger strikes at unexpected times. Unsalted nuts are one of the low-sodium foods, as 100 gm contains less than 10 mg of sodium.

Even if you dry or oil roasts your nuts, the sodium content doesn’t change much. Salted, coated, or flavored nuts have a high sodium content of up to 350 mg per 100 grams.

If you have a medical condition, it’s best to consult your doctor about consuming salted nuts. Even though the sodium content of salted nuts is high, you can still enjoy it now and then in a medium amount.

A healthy individual can also include salted nuts in a healthy diet by looking into the sodium content chart below to plan their meals accordingly.

FoodSodium contentAmount
Brazil nuts3 mg100gm
Almonds1 mg100gm
Pistachios1 mg100gm

Also read: Oxalate food list

Sodium in Dairy Products

Milk naturally has a low sodium content, as one cup contains only 120mg. However, you will be surprised to know that even though milk has a low sodium content, most dairy products are high in sodium. 

Most types of cheese we love, like parmesan or American cheese, can have up to 400 mg of sodium. There are dairy products with less than 50mg of sodium that can be consumed without guilt. Low-sodium dairy products include sour cream, plain non-fat greek yogurt, and skim milk. 

FoodSodium contentAmount
Cottage cheese low fat457 mg119 gm
Instant pudding400 mg119 gm
American cheese406 mg1 oz
Feta cheese316 mg1 oz
Sweetened condensed milk389 mg237 gm

Also read: Alkaline foods list

Sodium in Meat

Fresh meat naturally contains meat, and organ meat such as beef tongue and heart provide higher sodium than other fresh meat cuts. Turkey has a higher sodium content than fresh Beef and poultry.

Deli meats that are eaten cold can be high in sodium. For example, a beef bologna slice contains 220 mg of sodium per slice. Other forms of processed meat, such as salt-cured, hot dogs, cooked bacon, and others, are high in sodium. A 3-ounce serving of ham can have as much as 1100 mgs of sodium. 

The dangerously high sodium level is one reason such meat products should be consumed in limited quantities. For more information on the sodium content in meat, refer to the table below.

FoodAmountSodium content
Turkey deli meat3 oz1020mg
Grilled porterhouse steak3 oz57mg
Turkey breast3 oz54mg
Duck meat3 oz50mg
Calf’s liver1 oz30mg


Are potatoes high in sodium?

Potatoes are naturally low in calcium, as a 213 gm russet potato contains only 11 mg of sodium. Red and white potatoes have three times more sodium than a russet potato of the same size.

Are eggs high in sodium?

A single egg contains 70 mgs of sodium, which is only 4.6 percent of the daily recommended dose of calcium of 1500 mgs. Hence, eggs are not considered high in sodium. 

Are carrots high in sodium?

Half a cup of carrots contains only 45 mg of sodium which is not even half the daily recommended dose of sodium; hence it’s safe to say that carrots are not high in sodium.

Are bananas high in sodium?

Banana is one of the fruits with the lowest sodium level, close to zero. Consuming a banana will get you 1 mg of sodium, so they are not high in sodium but rich in potassium.


You can add color, variety, and taste to your meals, but the ultimate goal should be healthy eating.

Healthy requires healthy eating

Roger Williams

So, you can even add carbs or some of those yummy but dangerous fats in your diet, but it’s best to reduce the quantity and frequency of consuming these guilty pleasures. 

By now, you must have understood how crucial it is to keep track of sodium in your diet, like various other vital nutrients. For more information on the quantity of sodium present in the food, refer to the sodium food charts above.